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Achievement Week 2022

November 13, 2022 - The brothers opened Achievement Week with a worship service at Shiloh Baptist Church for Men’s Day. Our Grand Chaplain, Bro. Roi Johnson, was the guest speaker. (Social Action)
November 14, 2022 - The brothers came together to enjoy Monday Night Football and fellowship at The Flint, a local restaurant owned by Bro. Glenn Singfield. (Reclamation/Retention)
November 15, 2022 - The brothers completed their normal workout routines, posted pics, and tagged the chapter on various social media platforms. (Health Initiative)
November 17, 2022 - We celebrated the ”Bridge Builders” of our chapter by taking them out to lunch at Golden Corral for a great meal and fellowship. Later that evening, the brothers came together to pay homage to the Founders and the birth of our great fraternity at the plot on the campus of Albany State University, East Campus. We had several brothers in attendance. Once done on campus, brothers went to the fraternity house to fellowship. (Reclamation/Retention)
November 18, 2022 - The brothers came together to provide food, fun, and mentoring to the young men of Albany Middle School. There were over 150 young men in attendance at this event and they thoroughly enjoyed themselves. (Fatherhood Initiative and Mentoring)
November 19, 2022 - The brothers concluded our week-long celebration with our Achievement Week Banquet. Bro. Andra Brantley (HO 99) of Mu Mu Mu served as our guest speaker. We congratulate all of our Achievement Week award recipients:
Citizen of the Year - Bro. Charles Sherrod (posthumously)
Perseverance Award - Bro. Farris Shorter
Founders’ Award - W. Frank Wilson
Superior Service Award - Bro. Marlon Baker
Omega Man of the Year - Bro. Jesse Massey. (Achievement Week)